• Snake Diet

    What is the Snake Diet – And Should You Do It?

    The desire to lose weight can make people do some crazy things. While fitness, exercise, and eating well are the best ways to lose weight, some people look to fad diets to drop the kilos quickly. The result? Usually, never anything positive. One such diet that has been intriguing people is the snake diet. Read on to learn what this diet is and why it is not an official dieting recommendation.

    What is the Snake Diet?

    The snake diet is a set of eating behaviours designed to promote quick and drastic weight loss. It’s based on a “starvation” or prolonged fasting model and does not follow the basic principles of eating in moderation and enjoying plenty of fruits and vegetables. Instead, it’s about consuming little food over an extended period.

    How People Follow the Snake Diet

    Anyone looking to lose weight should follow a proper health and fitness routine with a well-balanced diet. Many of the suggestions within the Snake Diet do not align with those outlined by official sources and other health professionals. Therefore, the following information offers an insight into what the Snake Diet is, but is not an instructional guide on how to follow it.

  • Lighten Facial Hair

    Lighten Your Facial Hair Naturally

    For many women, facial hair is a genuine problem. What’s more, the darker it is, the more noticeable, and the less self-confidence you can have. Rather than reach for often-harmful products that can cause pH imbalances and skin irritation, why not try a natural skincare product or organic ingredients to help? Believe it or not, much of what we find in nature can actually be of help to lighten your facial hair naturally. Try these methods and find out what works for you.

    Lemon and Honey

    While it might seem like this combination of ingredients is more beneficial in a tea or throat lozenge, it can work well for your skin and facial hair as well. Lemon and honey work by bleaching your hair – but safely through the use of hydrogen peroxide in the honey and vitamin C in the lemon.

    What’s more, the combination is also useful for skin hydration, alleviation, and even blackheads. All you need for this natural body care product is four tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Mix them and apply it to your facial hair with either your hands or a brush. After half an hour, rinse it off.


    Do you want a hair bleaching method that smells delicious and is also effective? Then add papaya to your shopping trolley. Using the pulp, mix it with milk to form a paste. Put it onto the dark hairs on your face, massaging it in for around five minutes. Wait five minutes then rinse it off.

    Wild Turmeric

    Rather than risk skin irritation from standard synthetic bleaching products, reach for wild turmeric and reap the rewards. For many hundreds of years, women have used wild turmeric as a means to lighten hair – both on their face and head. Mix milk with the wild turmeric to form a paste, then apply it to your face for around a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off with water.

  • Temporary Crowns

    Have Temporary Crowns? Don’t Eat These Foods

    When decay and cavities have worn your tooth down to the point where you require a crown, your dentist will most likely install a temporary crown in place. This crown helps to protect your tooth and its function, as well as to stop your teeth from moving, to prevent sensitivity, and to help shape your gum. Usually, a dentist will put a temporary crown in place with dental cement which is easy to remove once your more permanent solution is ready.

    While a temporary crown can offer a sense of normalcy in your mouth while providing tooth functionality, it’s not a permanent fix. Therefore, there are a few types of food you must avoid until your more permanent solution is in place. We’ve included a list of these below.

    Any Sticky Food  

    If you have a sweet tooth and usually can’t look past gummy bears, jelly beans, or even chewing gum, you may have to for the time being. Sticky food, also including taffy or caramel, can encase your new temporary crown, compromising its already weakened state. Remember, the crown is only a short-term solution, and any food that sticks to your teeth can be all it takes to loosen or remove it. In saying that, most sticky food is bad for your other teeth as well. Always consume in moderation and consult your dentist if you have any questions or concerns.

    Hard Food

    Even if you’re trying to be healthy by munching on carrot sticks, you may need to leave them in the fridge until after you have your new permanent crown. You should avoid any hard food such as nuts, hard vegetables, hard fruits, or virtually any food or confectionary that takes much effort to bite through. While your temporary crown is strong, it’s not as strong as the more permanent metal or porcelain variety. If you eat hard food, you run the risk of chipping or breaking it, undoing all the hard work of your dentist.

  • Waist Trainer
    Beauty,  Fitness

    How Your Waist Trainer Can Give You Abs

    Those who have purchased a waist trainer will know that weight loss is not its primary purpose. Instead, they are helpful for contouring your body, aiding with better posture and giving you back your long-lost confidence.

    However, while they are not a weight loss product, they are a weight control product. The way in which they sit around your mid-section means you aren’t able to eat large meals while you wear them, which after a while, can result in weight loss. Therefore, waist trainers are often suitable for those who are looking to take back control of both their eating and their body shape.

    Once you’re on your way to a healthier, more invigorated version of you, you may wish to begin fine-tuning your final shape and size. Believe it or not, your waist trainer can help with this too. In fact, you can use your waist trainer to get those prominent abs you may have always wanted. Try these three exercises below while wearing your waist trainer.

    V Twists

    This exercise has a lot of different names, but a V twist is the perfect way in which to fine-tune those newly-found abs post-weight loss. To carry out this exercise, sit on the ground with your back bent slightly and your legs straight and pointing upward. In essence, you want your body to be forming a V shape. Find a heavy object such as a medicine ball and hold it as you twist your core from left to right. While you’re doing this exercise, you’re working your abdominal muscles.

  • Engagement Ring Diamonds

    Engagement Ring Diamonds and Settings

    If you’re new to the world of engagement rings then congratulations. If you’re beginning to think about them, it must be time to announce your commitment and love, and that’s something of which to be proud. However, if you’ve never put much thought into engagement rings, then it’s obvious you don’t know much about diamonds and settings. It’s to be expected, but you can find out about some basic styles below. Getting the terminology right can make you an expert in no time.


    When you pay a visit to your local jeweller’s, you may hear the word ‘solitaire’ thrown around quite a bit. You may know it as a card game, but do you know it as jewellery? Solitaire refers to a single diamond or stone of any size or shape. When someone talks about a ‘diamond solitaire’ it’s a ring or other jewellery with one single diamond.

    Diamond Sidestones

    If a ‘diamond side-stone ring’ has caught your attention, then it will be helpful to know what it means. Also called a three-stone ring, it refers to a large diamond within engagement rings encompassed by several smaller diamonds. Typically, the large diamond stands out prominently, with smaller stones adding to the overall exquisite design and style.

  • Things To See In Bali

    Top 10 Things To See In Bali In 2018

    Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South East Asia, if not in the world. It is a beautiful, picturesque place with amazing scenery and a wonderful culture. It doesn’t matter if you are staying in budget accommodation or in fancier Bali villas – the island offers something for everyone. Here are our top ten things to see in Bali in 2018:

    • Besakih Temple:

    You will often hear Besakih Temple called the ‘mother temple’ of Bali. A hindu temple, it is huge, and is an absolute must see on any trip to the island. Found on the slopes of volcanic Mount Agung, you can enjoy both the scenery and the beauty of the temple on the same day!

    • Kuta:

    If you enjoy surfing, spending time near the beach, and partying with like-minded people, then don’t miss a visit to Kuta, the “surf central” of Bali.

    • Mount Batur:

    If you enjoy hiking and spending time in nature, don’t miss the opportunity to climb the volcanically active Mount Batur. The area is incredibly scenic, and offers plenty of great photo opportunities.

  • Drug Addiction

    4 Common Signs of Drug Addiction

    Drug addiction is like an infectious disease that silently creeps inside you, comes out at your most fragile days, and slowly eats your very self until there’s no more “you” left.

    Sounds terrifyingly disturbing, but that’s the reality of using illegal drugs. Still, hope should not be lost even if you think that your situation is far from being redeemable. Drug rehab, change of lifestyle, and constant therapy are some of the best ways to deal with drug addiction.

    However, there’s one simple thing you can do to stop using drugs — and that’s through knowledge.

    • Dependence on Drugs

    Drug dependence is the most obvious sign of addiction. For users, life is not the same without the drug. Your body weakens physically and mentally. You feel sad, anxious, compulsive, and it seems like the world is going to end if you can’t take the drug to which you are addicted.

    • Abnormal Body Conditions

    Drug addicts lose control over themselves because they develop a strong connection with the substance.  A person who is addicted to drugs will do anything just to have more. This includes selling drugs, stealing, or committing crimes that could land them in jail.

  • Financial Planner

    Your Financial Planner Can Help You Relax About The Future

    Finances, and in particular our long-term finances are one area of our lives that can often be forgotten about as we deal with day-to-day issues. ‘I’ll get around to it one day’ are the words of many a person who suddenly realises that ‘one day’ is now and then panics as they haven’t planned for their future when they should have. To avoid finding yourself in this same dilemma, securing the services of a financial planner will benefit not only your financial future but your well-being in the future too.

    Money worries are something we all suffer from time to time. Often, they will be temporary, but it becomes a real problem when the worrying becomes a permanent state. Without any release from these worries, all kinds of health issues can manifest such as depression, stress, insomnia, debilitating headaches and even obesity.

  • Oil Pulling to Promote Oral Health

    Can Swishing Oil In Your Mouth Promote Oral Health?

    If you do a search online for alternative ways to promote dental care, strong gums and healthy teeth, apart from regular check ups with your dentist, one of the most talked about is the practice of oil pulling.

    Oil pulling is about as old as medicine itself having been used as an Ayurvedic medicine in ancient India over 3000 years ago. Its rise in popularity in recent times is due in part to Dr. F Karach M.D., an Ayurvedic medical practitioner, who has espoused oil pulling as an effective means to detoxify the body and prevent disease. There have also been several celebrities who have spoken about the benefits of oil pulling including Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Australian model, Miranda Kerr.

    An important point to make is that the oil in oil pulling is not any old oil, so don’t worry that you are going to take a mouthful of engine oil out of your car. Instead, it is vegetable oil, and the one most recommended for oil pulling is organic coconut oil.

  • Fitness

    How to Fit Fitness into Your Day

    It’s important to be fit to cope with our busy lifestyles. Lack of fitness means lack of strength and stamina, both of which are needed to work and care for children as well as to enjoy life in general. Being fit means you don’t run out of energy halfway through the day, but can get through a day at work then come home and still have enough energy to tend to children and get meals – not to mention doing the housework. So who has time to get fit by doing special exercises?

    Most people don’t want to get up even half an hour early just to go jogging or do a workout on the lounge room floor. The best way to fit fitness into your day is to incorporate more activity into your daily schedule. For instance, taking the stairs instead of the lift will certainly give you a good workout, especially if you run up them. Okay, run up just some of them, at least until your legs get fitter.