• 7 Tips To Aid Recovery From Laser Eye Surgery
    Beauty,  Health

    7 Tips To Aid Recovery From Laser Eye Surgery

    If you are thinking about getting laser eye surgery, or better still, already booked up for your procedure, then let us just reiterate that it is a surgery with a near 100% success rate, which is virtually pain-free, and will actually only take between 10 and 15 minutes.

    In other words, Perth laser eye surgery is one of the quickest and least complicated medical procedures that any person can have, and the results in terms of being able to see with 20/20 vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses, is something which you will treasure.

    It is also right that we point out, that, as with any medical procedure, there is a period of recovery, albeit, for laser eye surgery patients, that can be a matter of a few days, versus several months for other types of surgery.

    To help you make sure that your recovery period is as comfortable, and as free from any possible complications, as possible, below we have outlined 7 tips that can aid your recovery from laser eye surgery.

    Take Time to Rest

    While laser eye surgery is nowhere near the same level as heart surgery for example, it doesn’t mean you should not take it easy for a day or two following your procedure. If you can, take a day or two extra off work and ask those you live with to take on some of the chores you might normally do around the house.

  • Lighten Facial Hair

    Lighten Your Facial Hair Naturally

    For many women, facial hair is a genuine problem. What’s more, the darker it is, the more noticeable, and the less self-confidence you can have. Rather than reach for often-harmful products that can cause pH imbalances and skin irritation, why not try a natural skincare product or organic ingredients to help? Believe it or not, much of what we find in nature can actually be of help to lighten your facial hair naturally. Try these methods and find out what works for you.

    Lemon and Honey

    While it might seem like this combination of ingredients is more beneficial in a tea or throat lozenge, it can work well for your skin and facial hair as well. Lemon and honey work by bleaching your hair – but safely through the use of hydrogen peroxide in the honey and vitamin C in the lemon.

    What’s more, the combination is also useful for skin hydration, alleviation, and even blackheads. All you need for this natural body care product is four tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Mix them and apply it to your facial hair with either your hands or a brush. After half an hour, rinse it off.


    Do you want a hair bleaching method that smells delicious and is also effective? Then add papaya to your shopping trolley. Using the pulp, mix it with milk to form a paste. Put it onto the dark hairs on your face, massaging it in for around five minutes. Wait five minutes then rinse it off.

    Wild Turmeric

    Rather than risk skin irritation from standard synthetic bleaching products, reach for wild turmeric and reap the rewards. For many hundreds of years, women have used wild turmeric as a means to lighten hair – both on their face and head. Mix milk with the wild turmeric to form a paste, then apply it to your face for around a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off with water.

  • Waist Trainer
    Beauty,  Fitness

    How Your Waist Trainer Can Give You Abs

    Those who have purchased a waist trainer will know that weight loss is not its primary purpose. Instead, they are helpful for contouring your body, aiding with better posture and giving you back your long-lost confidence.

    However, while they are not a weight loss product, they are a weight control product. The way in which they sit around your mid-section means you aren’t able to eat large meals while you wear them, which after a while, can result in weight loss. Therefore, waist trainers are often suitable for those who are looking to take back control of both their eating and their body shape.

    Once you’re on your way to a healthier, more invigorated version of you, you may wish to begin fine-tuning your final shape and size. Believe it or not, your waist trainer can help with this too. In fact, you can use your waist trainer to get those prominent abs you may have always wanted. Try these three exercises below while wearing your waist trainer.

    V Twists

    This exercise has a lot of different names, but a V twist is the perfect way in which to fine-tune those newly-found abs post-weight loss. To carry out this exercise, sit on the ground with your back bent slightly and your legs straight and pointing upward. In essence, you want your body to be forming a V shape. Find a heavy object such as a medicine ball and hold it as you twist your core from left to right. While you’re doing this exercise, you’re working your abdominal muscles.

  • Beauty

    Basic Beauty Tips for the Face

    The face is on show almost all the time because whenever people see you they look at your face. Most women want to take care of their face in some way and many spend a great deal of time and finances to get the best face possible. However, looking after your face doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive if you remember these tips.

    • Stay well by eating well – think fruit and vegetables – and getting enough sleep. Your face will be the first to declare it when you are ill or overtired, with bags under the eyes and a grey tinge.
    • Stay dehydrated to prevent early wrinkles
    • Find out what type of skin you have and treat it accordingly.
    • When taking a shower, don’t have the water too hot or stay in too long, otherwise you’ll come out looking like a prune.
  • Botox
    Beauty,  Health

    Botox Side Effects and How to Treat Them

    You’ve finally decided to go ahead and have Botox injections to get rid of those frown lines and wrinkles. You have been looking forward to your younger look with no wrinkles for some time and the treatment went well with very little discomfort, but now you have a headache and a droopy eyelid. What’s going on here? Nothing really bad, so calm down.

    Botox injections do sometimes leave you with these kinds of side effects, but they don’t last very long and are nothing to worry about.  In case you’ve forgotten, your cosmetic surgeon will have told you what some of the side effects of Botox injections are. The best thing you can do while waiting for them to clear up is rest and relax.  If the headache is very bad, take a painkiller that is not a blood thinner, or do what the surgeon told you to do before the procedure.

  • Breast Reduction
    Beauty,  Health

    Liposuction for Breast Reduction

    Some women have breasts that are too large and heavy, causing pain in their back and shoulders due to the weight that needs to be supported. Liposuction can be used to reduce the breasts and alleviate suffering.  It is a minimally invasive procedure that leaves no scars or marks afterward because the insertion points are so small. Many women have been helped to a better life through this procedure.

    Here is what will happen when you go in for breast reduction liposuction.

    • The breasts will be measured by volume using a beaker.
    • Lines will be drawn on the breast – usually in indelible ink so they don’t wear off before they can be of use. These lines will help the surgeon know where the fat should be removed from.
    • A tiny needle is used to administer anaesthetic at the points where the cannula will be inserted, so you won’t feel much after that. The incisions are called adits.
  • Dermal Filler

    More Dermal Filler Alternatives to Juvederm

    When Juvederm does not work like you think it should or if there is a problem with it, your doctor may suggest using an alternative, not to having a dermal filler treatment, but to the content of the injection. There are plenty to choose from and your doctor will have the knowledge and experience to choose one that is suitable for you, taking into consideration the area to be done and your past history of dermal filler injections.

    Here are some of the alternatives.

    • Sub Q – an offering from Restylane, Sub Q is a hyaluronic acid based product which is said to be one of the longest lasting at 6-18 months, depending on the person who uses it. Because it is made from a substance that is found naturally in the human body, it cannot be considered a permanent solution since it breaks down eventually.
  • Beauty

    What You Need to Know About IPL Laser Hair Removal

    Many people have a problem with the hair on their body, even if it is not excessive. While the underarm and bikini line have been treated for hair removal for many years, in some people other areas also need to be treated. The trouble with most treatments is that the hair always grows back. That is why treatments such as IPL laser hair removal have become popular.

    IPL – short for Intense Pulsed Light – hair removal is done by a special machine. Intense light rays are pulsed into the skin and these destroy the hair growing in the follicles. That hair will either fall out straight after the treatment or over the next few days. It is recommended to use a loofah in the shower to help the process.

  • Liposuction
    Beauty,  Health

    16 Things to Know about Liposuction

    Many people turn to liposuction to make the best out of their bodies if they can’t get rid of those fatty deposits by dieting or exercise.  Others want it done but are told it is not suitable for their problem.  Here are 16 things to know about liposuction before you go ahead and have it done.

    • It can cause swelling that takes a while to go down and it may take 3 or more months for the final result to be known. So don’t rush out and purchase a new wardrobe too soon.
    • Having liposuction is not ‘cheating’. It is just like using cosmetics to improve your looks, albeit rather more expensive – and invasive.
    • Lipo won’t make your body fit, it will simply smooth out the bulges so you look fitter.
  • After Liposuction
    Beauty,  Health

    The Story of Fat After Liposuction

    As you are probably already aware, liposuction is not a procedure that is done to reduce your weight, even though it is basically taking fat from your body. It is done to give your body a nice, contoured shape. Liposuction is a permanent thing, with no more fat bumps in the area that was treated.  So what happens if you gain weight after the treatment?

    First of all, once a person reaches puberty they have all the fat cells they are going to have; the body does not create new ones.  Fat is stored in your fat cells from the glucose you ingest from meals and snacks. The body converts glucose –or sugar – to fat and stores it if it is not used to produce energy.  When the fat cells are removed during liposuction, no more fat can be stored in that place. This is both good news and bad news.